What is nice about Kawasaki for business

Kawasaki is conveniently located

Kawasaki is conveniently located between Tokyo metropolitan and Yokohama City. It takes only 18 minutes to Tokyo Station and 9 minutes to Yokohama Station by the Tokaido Line.

Kawasaki is a big city

Population of Kawasaki City is about 1.4 million as of October 1, 2016 and Kawasaki City is the 8th largest city in Japan. Besides, its population is growing and the average age is younger than the national average and that of Yokohama. Especially, population under 15 years and between 15 and 64 is more than those of Yokohama.

For your reference, the largest Japanese city is Yokohama: its population is about 3.7 million.

Thus, you have a lot of business opportunities in Kawasaki.

Kawasaki is eager to expand businesses

Kawasaki is eager to expand businesses; in particular, medical and environment-related business. Kawasaki runs the Life Science and Environment Research Center (LiSE) located in the Tonomachi International Strategic Zone. The picture below was taken on the top of LiSE. You can see the Haneda International Airport across the river.

Office rent in Kawasaki is inexpensive

Although Kawasaki is a large city as described above, office rent in Kawasaki is inexpensive compared to Tokyo and Yokohama. You can easily find cost effective offices in Kawasaki.

Living in Kawasaki is safe

As is the case with other Japanese cities, it is safe to live in Kawasaki. For example, you can find unattended service that sells vegetables and fruits like the picture below. It was taken near our office. It reads 100JPY for a bag of oranges. No one steals goods; you can put the money required for goods into the coin box and take away the goods.

If you are interested in doing business in Kawasaki

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested doing business in Kawasaki. As a member of Kawasaki One-stop Business Start-up Center, we help business persons and companies establish new companies in Japan, in particular, in Kawasaki.